Electricians & Plumbers | Your Step-By-Step Process For Selling Equipment
Series: Retiring Your Trade Business | How To Profit When You Exit
Article 2
In our first article on how to sell your electrical and plumbing equipment when you retire, we determined that passing down your business may not be an option you have available. We then walked our reader through some of the most popular sales arenas for liquidating used trade equipment and then we explored the most stable and consistently profitable venues available.
Electricians & Plumbers | How To Sell Your Equipment When You Retire
Series: Retiring Your Trade Business | How To Profit When You Exit
Article 1
First things, first. The Auction Masters team wants to thank every tradesperson and trade business owner for their commitment to keep America running. The results produced from work in electricity and plumbing are an essential part of our American infrastructure.
Home & Garden | 2 Easy Steps For Liquidating Outdoor Furniture
A Chaotic Year Of Success And Failure
This time last year the world was shut down and parts of the Home & Garden market were booming. Notice we mentioned “parts” of the market, more specifically, the DIY gardening and home furniture parts. Companies in this space that were positioned to move sales online and make curbside delivery an integral part of their offerings saw success.
Selling A Skating Rink & How To Attract Qualified Buyers

There are few things more nostalgic than the experience of a skating rink. Visiting a roller or ice skating rink is arguable as cherished a pastime as going to the ballpark. People from all walks of life, old and young, turn out every day to lace up and take a spin. Now that public spaces are opening back up and moving towards full-swing, people are eagerly venturing out to family-friendly attractions like skating rinks.
Office Equipment | For Many Businesses Now May Be A Great Time To Liquidate

Workforce Questions & Opportunities
There is a question a lot of traditional business owners and corporate executives are now wrestling with. Bring workers back on-site? Or let workers, who are capable, continue operating remotely? How does the new work-life look for the average employee? Depending on the type of business, you may get a number of different answers.
Spikes In Lumber Prices | What Does It Mean For Independent Contractors?

The Highest Trending Topic?
Arguably, one of the highest trending topics we are seeing as we move through the second quarter of 2021 is the housing market. The cost of homes and lumber have hit a record high and supply for both remains far behind demand. And the folks who are suffering the most are first-time home buyers and independent home builders. The future is uphill.
Many of the experts claim that price fluctuations we’re seeing around housing and construction find their roots in the market crash over a decade ago. At that time, the market was oversupplied with materials. The bust caused alarming numbers of sawmills to shut down and never come back online again.
Business Equipment Auctions | The Best Teams Have Worked With Multiple Businesses

Experience & Character Count in Business Liquidations Auction Houses
If you ever choose to liquidate, upgrade, or downsize your business, you’ll soon find that there are numerous ways to get the job done. There are so many avenues for selling tools, equipment, and other products that it can quickly become overwhelming. As a business owner, you have a hard decision to make. The decision is also a very important one. If you choose the wrong avenue for selling your equipment you could lose tons of time and money. You may also fail at selling anything and end up at square one, looking for another way to get rid of your old equipment.
Selling your tools, equipment, and other goods is already a massive headache. Searching for the right venue to sell your used business equipment usually adds a heavy layer of frustration, confusion, and uncertainty. And there is arguably nothing worse than having high levels of uncertainty around a sale that you are attempting to successfully execute.
In our latest article, we will walk you through the importance of working with a professional appraisal and business equipment sales team to ensure you have a profitable event. We will explore ways you can do diligence on your end to ensure you move forward in your auction with peace of mind and confidence that you have chosen the right sales group. We will identify the most valuable qualities of the sales partner you are looking for. We will also help you understand why auctioning your equipment with a trusted company that is well-versed in helping multiple businesses through this process can be your best bet.