Auction Masters | 4 Common Myths Busted About Business Equipment Auctions

It’s time to bust some myths. When it comes to business equipment auctions, some folks have misinformed ideas about how and why they occur. At first glance, business auctions may appear more risky than other ways of purchasing equipment, tools, and other operational implements. In reality, these misconceptions are flat out wrong and should be dispelled once and for all. That’s our objective in this article today.
We will dispel the misinformation and give you the truth about business equipment auctions. None of the myths you are going to encounter in this article stand up to the test of real scrutiny. What you must first know is that there is much more to selling and buying at auction than you are probably aware of.
That’s why our team at Auction Masters is taking on the task of clearing up some common myths about auctions. Keep reading to learn more about how auctions are one of the best, most reliable forms of buying used business equipment that exists.
Myth 1: Businesses only sell broken equipment or unusable junk at auctions.
Busted: This is probably the most popular myth and that is why we led the article with it. The first thing to know about this myth is that no one benefits from unknowingly selling or buying a broken piece of equipment.
That is why the best auction companies will require the seller to complete forms regarding the equipments’ use in the field and also demonstrate that the equipment works before it is allowed to be sold. In the case of a rare, useful, or valuable piece of equipment that will need repairs, the top auction companies require the buyer to state that the equipment is not working and provide a detailed list of what parts are not working.
In reality, buying used equipment at auction can be one of the greatest hacks a company can participate in. It allows a business owner to purchase equipment that will last a lifetime at a mere fraction of new equipment costs. Especially in regards to commercial and industrial equipment, there are amazing deals to be found at auction.
Myth 2: Business equipment auctions are only in-person events.
Busted: In the beginning of auction history this is true. But we have come a long long way from the beginning. In recent history and before the internet, auctions were usually conducted in person. Though, there were often buyers who had researched the event and called in their bids as the auction was happening on an item that they planned to purchase. Since the advent of the internet, auctions have increasingly moved to the online arena.
Online auctions continue to grow in popularity because they allow a business owner or operator to purchase a much needed piece of equipment without having to leave the duties of their day. Online auctions also provide a much better opportunity for someone looking to buy a piece of equipment to actually find it!
Searching online is the most efficient way for a person to research and purchase a product. The best auction companies have strategically invested time and effort into making their products searchable, giving sellers a much bigger bucket of buyers who are looking to ‘purchase now’. Speaking of online auctions, that leads us to our next myth!
Myth 3: Online business equipment auctions are too complicated.
Busted: This has become one of our favorite myths to bust. Again, at first glance using online auctions to purchase business equipment may seem complicated. But online auctions are an absolute specialty for a company like Auction Masters.
We were one of the first auction companies to offer online selling and bidding in the early days of the internet. We pioneered that realm of auction selling and buying. As a company we have always valued keeping progress and innovation at the forefront of serving our clients. That is why we went online and recently released the Auction Masters app that can be found on Google Play and in the Apple App Store.
Online auctions make the entire process of selling and buying easier and more rewarding than ever before! And with the Auction Masters app, our clients can sell and buy while being rest assured that our application is powered with a robust cyber security platform, protecting our clients at a level like never before!
The app can be accessed through any type of smart device and provides an exceptionally enhanced customer experience. The mobile and smartphone integrations are best-in-class. As times changed, so did we. One thing we recognized is that people want to be able to make purchasing decisions quickly and they are primarily using mobile technology to do that.
We see mobile phones as powerful bidding tools and so we put our focus on mobile technology to make it easier for bidders and sellers to participate in auctions online using the device that is always in their pocket or close by.
Myth 4: Business equipment auctions don’t work.
Busted: This is another myth that couldn’t be further from the truth. The only real chance of an auction failing is when a business owner is truly not ready to part with a piece of equipment or the business as a whole. This is such a rare case as well because there is so much due diligence completed before a business goes to auction. We’ll take a moment here to let our clients help bust this myth. Still don’t believe that business equipment auctions work? Just listen to these testimonials.
“Just wanted to show appreciation for helping liquidate our equipment and inventory. It was a fast, painless process that exceeded my expectations at all levels. Sharon was very professional and managed all activities during pickup and loading. I would highly recommend your services to anyone needing on-line auction services. I will surely be contacting you in the future.” – Sam S. (Owner)
“Auction Masters has been a great resource for us. They are efficient and easy to work with, and are able to find buyers for items that would have otherwise been impossible for us to find on our own. “ – John (President)
Business equipment auctions are a phenomenal place to sell and buy business equipment. Auction Masters is a company that understands what goes into making a company successful and we also know how that journey often comes with twists and turns. That is why we put so much energy into creating the best experience possible for our sellers and buyers. We know how much energy a business owner has put into creating the company that they are now having to part with for any number of reasons.
We understand how the loss of one’s life work can be a staggeringly emotional time, regardless of why the loss is occurring – either by choice or because of market response. With Auction Masters, our focus is on our client. Our team of professionals’ sole purpose is to make selling with us as easy and profitable as possible. We value communication with our sellers in the highest regard and practice transparency throughout your selling process. This is another reason why we offer turnkey solutions for selling a company. We cannot only sell your equipment for the most profitable possible, we can also offer broom cleanout services that return your building or space to the original condition.
Call us today with any questions you may have about selling your business equipment online and let us help you get ready to take your next step. We promise, we will make it simple for you.